Status of weak dependencies support in Fedora 21+

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Sat Nov 8 23:49:18 UTC 2014

On Sat, 8 Nov 2014 21:54:35 +0400
Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov at> wrote:

> Hello All!
> RPM shipped with Fedora 21+ has support for weak dependencies. What's
> the current status of that feature? Is it ok to start using them
> (building RPM with Recommends/Suggests tags)?

My understanding: 

rpm - accepts them as valid and lets you build packages with them. 
yum - ignores them completely
createrepo - adds the info to the metadata
dnf via hawkey - will only use them to break ties if for example two
packages are both possible solutions, but one also is suggests or

> I have a real-world example where I'd like to mark a dependency as
> Suggests instead of Requires and want to know if dnf is ready to
> process it?

not really as far as I know. 

dnf needs to handle these cases, it needs documented, etc. 


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