Attempting to contact unresponsive maintainer - jomara

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Wed Nov 12 22:40:18 UTC 2014

On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:59:16 +0100
Matthias Runge <mrunge at> wrote:

> Oh yes!
> Accidentally, we didn't solve this earlier.
> The plan, discussed with jomara was, Jason Rist (FAS: jrist) should
> take over these packages (and probably python-soaplib as well). I
> sponsored him some time ago for exactly that reason and will help him
> through cliffs and shallow waters here as best as I can.
> I added myself as co-maintainer to openstack-tuskar,
> openstack-tuskar-ui and python-tuskarclient.
> > If we don't hear anything in a week, we will be setting the point of
> > contact on these packages to orphan. 
> I don't see a reason, why we need to wait for a week here, and I
> think, we can solve this situation immediately.

Sure. I can reassign them... 

So to be clear thats: 


change POC to jrist? 


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