Mozilla enabled ads in Firefox and they're active in Fedora

Gerald B. Cox gbcox at
Sun Nov 16 19:11:19 UTC 2014

I went back and reviewed Fedora Forbidden Items
<> and saw
nothing that applied to the situation with Firefox.  While I agree with the
statement:  "The concerns raised are that the default configuration is an
"opt-out" vs. "opt-in" model of Firefox issuing network calls back to
Mozilla's servers, and Fedora's user base expects "opt-in" for these sorts
of things."; I also expect that same user base would overwhelmingly prefer
using Firefox (with ads), Chromium or Google Chrome over Epiphany, Midori
or Konqueror.

If you can disable the ads in Fedora's packaging, then by all means do so.
Changing default packages however is a big deal and IMO the only other
browser that could match the universal compatibility and functionality of
Mozilla Firefox is the Chromium project.  Chromium has yet to debut in the
Fedora repositories... so that situation would have to be remedied first.
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