Mozilla enabled ads in Firefox and they're active in Fedora

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Mon Nov 17 21:23:56 UTC 2014

Am 17.11.2014 um 22:16 schrieb drago01:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 9:57 PM, DJ Delorie <dj at> wrote:
>>> Ugh .. sorry but that's the worst suggestion so far. No image the user
>>> goes to to install addons ... it won't
>>> work. (just one random example but you get the idea).
>> I imagine the user would change the start page to about:blank, then
>> open the firewall, then everything works as normal.
>> Of course, this only works for single-user machines.  A multi-user
>> machine wouldn't protect the second user to run Firefox.
> Not every user understands the connection between "website does not
> work" -> "firewall configuration"

not a single "non-tech" user does

whatever that discussion is worth: throw away firefox because a issue 
you have on 90% of all websites and force users to use a different 
browser don't work

in the best case they download the binary from because they 
want it (especially users working on more than one OS trying to have the 
same software whenever possible on all of them) or ask yourself if a 
different distribution works better (better from the users point of view)

you need to outweight the win and the damage

these days you have two user groups:
  * tech users who cares: set about:blank
  * normal users -> don't care

if somebody removes Firefox from the repos i just continue to use it 
without packages - no auto updates or make the install dir writeable for 
everyone - the second option throws away security for excatly what benefit?

surely - *i can* care about that and call FF one a week for update it, 
the majority of users won't do that without any "but", "or" and "if"

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