Mozilla enabled ads in Firefox and they're active in Fedora

Nikos Roussos comzeradd at
Tue Nov 18 13:12:06 UTC 2014

On 11/18/2014 02:55 PM, Benjamin Kreuter wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-11-18 at 11:15 +0200, Nikos Roussos wrote:
>>>> I'm talking about the "advertisement" part. Some people seem to be
>>>> bothered by this alone. Tiles feature indeed promotes some websites, but
>>>> we already do that.
>>> No, actually we don't. We promote websites because we honestly think
>>> they're useful, not because we're paid to do so.
>> That's irrelevant. Paid or not, promoting websites through tiles or
>> gnome-shell is the same form of advertisement.
> Money is not irrelevant.  Paid advertising is how we wound up with
> pop-ups, hover ads, etc.  The question is whether or not we can trust
> Mozilla to steer clear of such things.  So far there seems to be no
> reason to trust Mozilla -- the ads are opt-out, they only sometimes
> respect DNT, and they are being pushed despite the backlash from
> Mozilla's community.

This is a moral judgment, so it's irrelevant for making a policy
decision (from Fedora's point of view). Money or not, we need a
consistent policy on advertisements for all upstream.

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