Ramblings and questions regarding Fedora, but stemming from gnome-software and desktop environments

Luya Tshimbalanga luya at fedoraproject.org
Fri Jan 2 20:25:49 UTC 2015

On 01/01/15 04:21 PM, Hedayat Vatankhah wrote:
> Well, I was really surprised that developers are considered a target 
> audience here. GNOME Software *might* be considered good enough for 
> normal users, but its far from usable for a developer; even a 
> developer who don't want to touch the terminal. Actually, it is 
> *terrible* for such a developer. Why?
 From what I understand, Gnome Software is intended for front-end 
applications only.

> 1. He search for "C++" and .... (I doubt that it tries to interpret it 
> as a regular expression or something. Probably it thinks that the user 
> is an idiot and removes "+" signs on behalf of him).
DevAssistant application available by default on Fedora Workstation is 
designed for that purpose.

> 2. He has installed Eclipse + CDT and hopefully he can compile his C++ 
> programs with GCC. Now, he learns about Clang and would like to try it.
Clang is a compiler that be installed as an add-ons for Eclipse. That is 
very much an request of enhancement for IDEs installation in Gnome Software.

> GNOME Software is not that useful for a developer. As Rechard himself 
> said, he'll need a package manager anyway. So, If Workstation product 
> really targets developers, specially the ones who don't want to use 
> terminal, it MUST include a graphical package manager.
There are developers unaware of the concept of package manager which 
does not help. Gnome Software is actually useful once the add-ons 
functionality is fully expanded on applications. Works need to be done 
allowing a seamless integration.

Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya at fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net

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