Ramblings and questions regarding Fedora, but stemming from gnome-software and desktop environments

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Jan 5 18:06:33 UTC 2015

Am 05.01.2015 um 17:09 schrieb Miloslav Trmač:
>> but you can't and won't use the GUI the same way on remote machines over
>> slow lines
> Those slow lines are disappearing, and will be pretty rare by the time we get any UI design finished and polished

sorry, but that is nonsense

my home internet has 250 MBit downstream and 25 Mbit upstream and it is 
still true that before a graphical remote application appears i am done 
with a SSH connection (besides that 90% of the things i want to do 
remote are even faster if i type them in the alway open konsole window 
on my KDE desktop and hence need to learn how to do things *once* and 
they work everywhere, mostly even on non-linux unix like systems)

what you shiny GUI is missing now and will be missing forever is *free 
piping* of commands mathcing the current task and not possible to pack 
in a graphical interface without overload it until it unuseable at all

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