against dnssec

Paul Wouters paul at
Sat Jan 17 22:21:40 UTC 2015

On Sat, 17 Jan 2015, Björn Persson wrote:

> Both CAs and DNSSEC can be attacked by governments in different ways.
> The author thinks that DNSSEC is more vulnerable. I happen to disagree,
> but more importantly, those who feel that they need to can secure their
> keys both through DANE and with a certificate from a CA. Using two
> independent methods of verification in parallel is never less secure
> than using only one of them.

And then on top of that, there is certificate transparency and dnssec

that allows using multiple parties for trust.

> "DNSSEC is Cryptographically Weak"
> He claims that many keys currently in use aren't strong enough, and
> makes it sound like that's a design flaw in the protocol itself. He
> neglects to mention that DNSSEC by design allows both variable key
> lengths, frequent key changes and specification of new ciphers.

Yeah, he argues the 90 day 1024bit RSA root key is too weak and compares
it to 1024bit RSA keys used by CAs valid for 10-30 years. Although I
do agree with him that the root ZSK key could be bumped to 2048 bit.
I'd avoid ECDSA keys and other ECC because too many resolvers do not
support those algorithms. ECDSA is still not always available because those systems are running older
software before rhel/fedora allowed some (NIST) ECC code. Other ECC
algorithms are still patent minefields (eg djb curves, brainpool, etc)

> He complains that DNSSEC doesn't secure the link between the recursive
> resolver and its client. That's exactly what people are working to fix
> by running a local validating resolver.

And there are APIs worked on for that, such as get-dns or

> "DNSSEC is Unsafe"
> "Authenticated denial. Offline signers. Secret hostnames. Pick two."
> OK, then I'll pick authenticated denial and offline signers. Hostnames
> have never been secret. DNS lookups are unencrypted, so every time you
> look up a name you tell any snoopers that that name exists. Why would
> you need secret hostnames anyway?

It also completely ignores the issue that online signing for
authenticated denial is an easy DDoS vector (similar to dnscurve
which also needs to do crypto operations per query. The DNSSEC design
of not requiring crypto on nameservers (esp not requiring private keys
on publicy facing servers) was an excellent choice. Yes, an attacker
with enough resources can find out "secret" hostnames, but so can
pervasive monitors like the NSA by just vaccuming plaintext data. These
"secrets" should never be relied upon.


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