DNF as default package manager

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 11:04:54 UTC 2015

>>> But I'm really interested in state of DNF as default too. Should I switch mock to use DNF as default?
>>> For me there is still lot of unfinished tasks. E.g. documenting what --installroot should actually do [BZ 1163028]
>> I don't think it's ready, it might be useful to have an option to
>> switch it over for local use to enable easier wider testing but I
>> certainly don't think it's ready to be default for mock yet.
>> Peter
> I am using mock for Fedora development with DNF enabled by default and
> it works just fine. May be you want to share what is troubling you?

Have you done test scratch builds with it for 18K+ packages in Fedora,
for all the other processes that are run in mock that would use it as
part of the day to day rel-eng process and published all the stats
there? I've not seen anything and I watch it all pretty closely. Being
part of the Fedora rel-eng team I want to be sure that it it's stable
and able to reproduce all the processes and we don't have massive
amount of regressions.

The new developments in mock have broken a bunch of functionality due
to them not being tested (live and disk images that I'm aware of), add
in a swap in package management without wide testing and we're just
asking to delay F-22 on a tight schedule.

I look forward to seeing the details of a mock based mass rebuild with
the new mock and dnf :-)


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