Questions about font packaging, hinting and non-responsive maintainer process

Alexander Ploumistos alex.ploumistos at
Fri Mar 6 13:25:35 UTC 2015

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:04 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at> wrote:
> I think we are much better off shipping the unhinted version then, letting the
> Freetype autohinter do its job.

Agreed. So that takes care of the question of including the HTML file
with the comparison of the two.

As far as the doc package is concerned, should I include the separate
Symbola.pdf with all the glyphs? Would it be preferable to include the
MS Word file (after a conversion) which also contains a changelog?
Should I package both or neither?

Also, should I start the process for a non-responsive maintainer from
the beginning, do I need to file a new bug or can I take it from
starting a thread here?

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