Google Code and Gitorous shutting down: update upstream URLs please

Patrick Uiterwijk puiterwijk at
Thu Mar 12 23:02:49 UTC 2015

Hash: SHA512


As you might have heard, Google Code and Gitorious are both going to be 
closed: Google Code on January 25th, 2016[1] and Gitorious on May 2015[2].

We have some packages in Fedora that use either of those as homepage.
To give an overview of these packages, I ran a script to gather information
from anitya and pkgdb.

The output, in the form of packagename: homepage, is printed below this.
If any of your packages are in this list, please check upstream what their
new homepage will be.

When you find the new upstream URL, please update the spec file in distgit
and anitya with the new URL.

The script used to generate this information is available at [3].

With kind regards,
Patrick Uiterwijk


=========== Package list ===========
abootimg: https//
amora: http//
apanov-edrip-fonts: http//
apiviz: http//
arduino: http//
argyllcms: http//
arora: http//
atf: http//
atinject: http//
augeas-vala: http//
autokey: http//
backup-light: http//
ballz: http//
baloo-kcmadv: https//
batti: http//
BEDTools: http//
bionetgen: https//
bluecove: http//
bmpanel2: http//
boilerpipe: http//
bonesi: https//
brise: http//
bunny: http//
cagraph: https//
cantata: http//
cardpeek: http//
cave9: http//
cellwriter: http//
chipmunk: http//
chm2pdf: http//
chmsee: http//
clementine: http//
cli-parser: http//
clusterpy: http//
code-editor: http//
concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru: http//
contextkit: http//
cookcc: http//
ctemplate: http//
curlpp: http//
dataparksearch: http//
dbus-tools: http//
decentxml: http//
deltarpm: http//
dircproxy: http//
dissy: http//
django-dpaste: http//
django-mako: http//
django-mptt: http//
django-recaptcha: https//
django-simple-captcha: http//
django-tagging: http//
dnsmap: http//
dot2tex: http//
double-conversion: http//
elfinfo: http//
ell: http//
emacs-irsim-mode: http//
emacspeak: http//
epris: http//
eqntott: http//
erlang-log4erl: http//
espresso-ab: http//
esteid-browser-plugin: http//
faience-icon-theme: https//
fbterm: http//
fcitx-fbterm: http//
fcitx-kkc: http//
fcitx-skk: http//
fcitx-ui-light: http//
fdupes: https//
FlightCrew: http//
flow-tools: http//
flyingsaucer: http//
font-manager: http//
forbidden-apis: http//
fpdns: http//
freemedforms: http//
fspy: https//
ftop: http//
fuse-zip: http//
fvkbd: http//
game-music-emu: http//
gdata-python-client: http//
gdata-sharp: http//
gettext-commons: http//
gflags: http//
gimp-dds-plugin: http//
gimp-normalmap: http//
gimp-paint-studio: http//
gitso: http//
giver: http//
glog: http//
gmock: http//
gmpy: http//
gnome-colors-icon-theme: http//
golang-googlecode-gcfg: http//
golang-googlecode-go-crypto: https//
golang-googlecode-go-exp: http//
golang-googlecode-gomock: http//
golang-googlecode-log4go: http//
golang-googlecode-net: http//
golang-googlecode-sqlite: http//
golang-googlecode-text: http//
golang-googlecode-tools: http//
golang-googlecode-uuid: http//
goobook: http//
google-authenticator: http//
googlecl: http//
google-crosextra-caladea-fonts: http//
google-crosextra-carlito-fonts: http//
google-gson: http//
google-noto-fonts: https//
google-perftools: http//
gource: http//
gperftools: http//
gphotoframe: http//
gpick: http//
gprof2dot: http//
gps-gimp-paint-studio: https//
grantlee: http//
grapefruit: http//
greadelf: http//
gstreamer1-vaapi: https//
gstreamer-java: http//
gtest: http//
gtkdialog: https//
gyp: http//
hamcrest12: http//
hamcrest: http//
hexglass: http//
hntool: http//
httperf: http//
hunspell-bn: https//
hunspell-gu: https//
hunspell-hi: https//
hunspell-ko: http//
hunspell-mr: https//
hunspell-or: https//
hunspell-pa: https//
hunspell-ta: https//
hunspell-te: https//
hunspell-vi: http//
i7z: http//
ibus-anthy: http//
ibus-fbterm: http//
ibus-handwrite: http//
ibus-hangul: http//
ibus: http//
ibus-input-pad: http//
ibus-m17n: http//
ibus-pinyin: http//
ibus-qt: http//
ibus-rime: http//
ibus-table-chinese: http//
ibus-table-extraphrase: http//
ibus-table: http//
ibus-table-latin: http//
ibus-unikey: http//
iksemel: http//
innotop: http//
input-pad: http//
intrace: http//
inxi: http//
ioping: https//
iptux: http//
iwyu: https//
jam-control: https//
jarjar: http//
jatl: http//
javaewah: http//
java-libpst: https//
java-oauth: http//
javaparser: http//
jFormatString: http//
jing: https//
jing-trang: http//
jsilver: http//
jsmpp: http//
json_diff: https//
json-path: https//
json_simple: http//
json-smart: https//
jsslutils: http//
jtype: http//
juniversalchardet: http//
jvyamlb: http//
key-mon: http//
kryo: http//
ladvd: http//
langdetect: http//
lastfmlib: http//
lcm: http//
leptonica: http//
leveldb: http//
libaccounts-glib: https//
libaccounts-qt: http//
libass: http//
libdnet: http//
libesedb: http//
libgcal: http//
libgcroots: http//
libgusb: https//
libhangul: http//
libixion: http//
libjingle: http//
libkate: http//
libmodman: http//
libmp4v2: http//
libnxt: http//
libofa: http//
liborcus: http//
libproxy: http//
librime: http//
libserf: http//
libtorrent: http//
libwvstreams: https//
libyuv: http//
llconf: http//
logstalgia: http//
lorem-ipsum-generator: http//
lsyncd: http//
lua-dbi: http//
lutok: http//
lz4: https//
maatkit: http//
man-pages-zh-CN: http//
marisa: https//
maven-jsf-plugin: http//
maven-license-plugin: http//
maven-processor-plugin: http//
maven-timestamp-plugin: http//
mbpurple: http//
mdds: http//
mediawiki-wikicalendar: http//
memcached: http//
mingw-angleproject: http//
mingw-dlfcn: http//
mingw-leptonica: http//
mingw-libgusb: https//
mingw-openjpeg: http//
mingw-tesseract: http//
mingw-win-iconv: http//
miniz: https//
minlog: http//
mitter: http//
mkproject: http//
mnmlicons-fonts: http//
mockito: http//
mod_authnz_external: http//
mod_auth_token: http//
mod_selinux: http//
mongoose: http//
moyogo-molengo-fonts: http//
mozc: http//
mpmath: http//
msktutil: https//
msn-pecan: http//
mtools: https//
naev-data: http//
naev: http//
naga: http//
neap: http//
numexpr: http//
nvidia-texture-tools: http//
obexftp: https//
ocaml-bitstring: http//
ocaml-deriving: http//
ocaml-extlib: http//
ocaml-xmlrpc-light: http//
opencc: http//
opencl-utils: http//
openid4java: http//
openid-selector: http//
openjpeg: http//
openobex: http//
openvpn-auth-ldap: http//
orcus: http//
orthanc: https//
owasp-esapi-java: http//
owasp-java-html-sanitizer: http//
owl-lisp: https//
pathfinder: http//
pcmanx-gtk2: http//
pencil: http//
Pencil: http//
perl-SNMP_Session: http//
php-channel-sabredav: http//
php-email-address-validation: http//
php-lightopenid: http//
phpMemcachedAdmin: http//
php-oauth: http//
php-pecl-yaml: http//
php-sabredav-Sabre: http//
php-xmlseclibs: http//
php-xmpphp: http//
piccolo2d: http//
picocom: http//
pidgin-logviewer: https//
pidgin-musictracker: http//
pidgin-privacy-please: http//
pipestat: http//
pkcs11-dump: http//
poly2tri: https//
powermock: http//
presence: http//
progressbar: http//
protobuf: http//
pssh: http//
pure-gen: http//
purple-microblog: http//
purple-msn-pecan: http//
pwauth: http//
pyactivemq: http//
py-bcrypt: http//
pybluez: http//
pybox2d: http//
pychess: http//
pydot: http//
pyevent: http//
pyhunspell: http//
pyicq-t: http//
pyicqt: http//
pymunk: http//
pyodbc: http//
pypar: http//
pyproj: http//
pyrit: http//
pyrrd: http//
pysendfile: http//
pyshp: http//
python26-argparse: http//
python26-httplib2: http//
python-adns: http//
python-apsw: http//
python-argparse: http//
python-atfork: https//
python-cagraph: http//
python-catwalk: http//
python-couchdb: http//
python-ctags: http//
python-ctypesgen: https//
python-django-evolution: http//
python-django-pagination: http//
python-django-profile: http//
python-dotconf: http//
python-editdist: http//
python-feedparser: http//
python-funcparserlib: http//
python-functest: http//
python-futures: http//
python-gdata: http//
python-gflags: http//
python-googlevoice: http//
python-grapefruit: https//
python-impacket: http//
python-iniparse: http//
python-ipaddr: http//
python-javaobj: https//
python-libarchive: http//
python-llfuse: http//
python-migrate0.5: http//
python-mox: http//
python-multiprocessing: http//
python-oauth: http//
python-openoffice: https//
python-pdfrw: http//
python-pebl: http//
python-pefile: http//
python-pgu: http//
python-poppler-qt4: http//
python-progressbar: http//
python-pysmell: https//
python-rdfextras: http//
python-regex: https//
python-rencode: http//
python-rest-client: http//
python-rpi-gpio: http//
python-svg: http//
python-testosterone: http//
python-tgcaptcha: http//
python-vatnumber: http//
python-volatility: http//
python-webm: https//
python-wikimarkup: http//
python-wsgi-jsonrpc: http//
python-xappy: https//
pywebkitgtk: http//
pyzy: http//
qextserialport: http//
qhexedit2: https//
qlipper: http//
qt-at-spi: https//
qtbrowserplugin: http//
qtgpsc: http//
qtscriptgenerator: http//
qtsoap: http//
quiterss: http//
quodlibet: http//
qxmpp: http//
radamsa: http//
ratproxy: http//
rats: https//
rcrpanel: http//
re2: http//
realTimeConfigQuickScan: http//
replacer: http//
rf: http//
rimeime: http//
rmanage: http//
rssdler: http//
rst2pdf: http//
rubygem-capillary: https//
rubygem-force_utf8: https//
rubygem-just_paginate: https//
rubygem-ruby-ole: http//
rubygem-tiltout: http//
sayonara: http//
scanmem: http//
scitools: http//
screenie-composer: http//
scrub: http//
semantik: http//
sfntly: http//
sgabios: http//
shcov: http//
shedskin: http//
shflags: http//
shunit2: http//
sigil: http//
signpost-core: http//
sigscheme: http//
simple-jndi: http//
skipfish: http//
sks: http//
slowhttptest: http//
smartcardpp: http//
snakeyaml: http//
snappy: http//
snappy-java: http//
sockperf: https//
sparsehash: http//
spawn: http//
spindown: http//
spock: http//
spor: http//
spyderlib: http//
spymemcached: http//
subethasmtp: http//
sunpinyin: http//
synergy-plus: http//
tcpjunk: http//
teamgit: http//
tesseract: http//
tesseract-langpack: http//
tesseract-ocr: http//
texworks: http//
tharlon-fonts: http//
theunarchiver: http//
tint2: http//
tintwizard: http//
tktray: http//
transgui: https//
transmission-remote-gtk: http//
tw: http//
twms: https//
uhttpmock: http//
uim: http//
umph: http//
undbx: https//
usbsoftrock: http//
v8: http//
vhostmd: http//
vitables: http//
volatility: http//
wadofstuff-django-serializers: http//
waf: http//
wbfs-manager: http//
wordgroupz: http//
wtop: http//
xar: http//
xcf-pixbuf-loader: git//
xml2dict: http//
xmltool: http//
xmonad-log-applet: http//
xsettingsd: http//
yaml-cpp03: http//
yaml-cpp: http//
yubikey-ksm: http//
yubikey-val: http//
zopfli: http//
Version: GnuPG v1


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