Issues around packaging CoreOS' rocket for fedora

Lokesh Mandvekar lsm5 at
Mon Mar 30 19:02:28 UTC 2015

Hi list, I'm working on packaging rocket for Fedora. There's a review request
open for it:

There seem to be a few issues with it currently though, the major one being
using a non-distro-provided systemd (systemd v215):

- Building rocket involves creating a stage1 rootfs used by the 'rkt' binary,
and this includes building systemd v215. Right now this systemd branch is
cloned at buildtime. Since that won't work for koji, I'm talking to upstream
about including a copy of systemd v215 into the rocket repo.

- Upstream isn't a fan of bundling it either, and they're suggesting git
submodules for systemd, but again, that's probably not doable for koji.

** Conversation happening here:

Wondering if something similar has been encountered before? And possible

Freenode, OFTC: lsm5
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