F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus.pokorra at solidcharity.com
Tue May 12 12:59:11 UTC 2015

> what we (in secondary arches) primarily need is the decision how to
> proceed - incremental rebuild over 3.4 or complete rebootstrap.
> Naturally we prefer the complete rebootstrap as it allows bringing up
> new arches. And because we are in no way Mono experts, we would
> appreciate the procedure how to do the bootstrap (eg. in form of a
> srpm). If needed we can give you access to the various secondary arch
> machines. Copr can't help here unfortunately.
I think a complete rebootstrap would be the easiest for everyone.
Otherwise we would need to upgrade from Mono 2.10 to Mono 3.4 to Mono
3.12 to Mono 4. This is just too much rebuilding of packages.

A recent SRPM is available here:
(linked from latest build of Mono at

As far as I understand, the tarball contains monolite which should be
usable on all architectures, according to
Would you give it a try please?


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