Copr for FeedReader

janlukasgernert at janlukasgernert at
Wed Sep 2 22:13:44 UTC 2015

There is nothing wrong with FeedReader. I just thought copr is easier than getting it in the official repos.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
 Von: "Vít Ondruch" [vondruch at]
 Gesendet: Mi. 02.09.2015 13:00
 An: devel at
 Betreff: Re: Copr for FeedReader

Dne 1.9.2015 v 22:00       janlukasgernert at napsal(a):Hi,
I was advised to ask on this list for help regarding           setting up a copr repository.
 Why Copr and not Fedora official package? Is there something which     conflicts with Fedora's Packaging Guidelines [1]? Otherwise I can't     see Copr to be less maintenance effort then official package (except     the initial review).
I just released verion 1.2 of my application "FeedReader":"FeedReader is a modern desktop application designed to           complement existing web-based RSS accounts. It combines all           the advantages of web based services like synchronisation           across all your devices with everything you expect from a           modern desktop application."I myself already maintain two ppa's for           elementary/Ubuntu/Mint. There is a package in Arch user           repositories and it's in Solus Project main repositories.Since I like to use Fedora from time to time and FeedReader           fits the modern gnome applications really well imo, I would           like to make it available to Fedora users as well.Can anyone help me with that and set up a copr repository           for it? :)Jan Lukas Gernert
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