Proposal to reduce anti-bundling requirements

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sat Sep 12 14:26:24 UTC 2015

Am 12.09.2015 um 16:21 schrieb Orion Poplawski:
> Oh I certainly won't argue that it's easier for the end user/admin to
> work with one tool.  Although we are getting better tools: ansible,
> puppet, et. al. offer the ability to install and track packages with
> other tools like pip/gem/etc, though I admit to not having tried doing
> that specific thing yet.
> But if we're in a situation where we are just killing ourselves
> shoehorning upstream's mess of bundled requirements into rpms and their
> response is just 'well just run "pip install foo" and be done with it',
> I think it's time to just let everyone do that.  Then maybe we can see
> if that is the way to software install nirvana or if admins start
> complaining about not being able to maintain their systems in a rational
> way.  We can then point these latter folks upstream and say this is what
> these folks wanted you to do, talk to them about it.

bad idea to start the mess and when it goes wrong point somewhere else

i hear that all the time when something breaks terrible my workflows and 
at the end of the day nobody feels responsible - well, i tell you what i 
do: ignore pip, cpan & co as well as any software which requires me to 
touch it and finally Fedora if it goes that way

just because i migrated anything 7 years ago to Fedora don't mean i am 
married with it if it goes completly offroad.............

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