Proposal to reduce anti-bundling requirements

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sun Sep 13 03:36:21 UTC 2015

Am 13.09.2015 um 01:47 schrieb Adam Williamson:
> On Sat, 2015-09-12 at 16:41 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> impossible in case of many complex setups
> This is effectively a tautology: "you can't do that with my setup
> because my setup can't do that"

what about a sensible quoting?
the topic was reinstall from scratch

in case you have dozens of servers with customized configs, a ton of 
data and dependencies between the machines because you offer anything 
from domain-registar over webservers, mail/spamfiltering, dns, 
vpn-instances between networks and webservices all driven by housemade 
admin backends and hundrets of cms-systems deployed with own software 
you don't want to install anything from scratch every now and then for 
obvious reasons

if you just deal with a few 08/15 things that may work

frankly only the mess dealing with certificates used between servers, on 
clients and ssh known_hosts everywhere would drive you crazy

and since there was no reason to do so the last 20 fedora releases 
anything which would change that can only be called harmful

and no - hardware changes are no topic on a fully virtualized 
infrastructure where you happily move instances from old to new online

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