Proposal to reduce anti-bundling requirements

Ian Malone ibmalone at
Tue Sep 15 10:08:36 UTC 2015

On 15 September 2015 at 10:11, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johannbg at> wrote:
> On 09/15/2015 08:41 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
>> On 14 September 2015 at 16:47, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johannbg at>
>> wrote:
>>> They simply have welcomed their new container overlords and are using
>>> only
>>> the recommended upstream method for installing for their application (
>>> pip,gem etc since developers can use the upstream support community for
>>> those ) in those container images, followed by a strong attitude of use
>>> it (
>>> their produced container/vm image not some downstream shipped/provided
>>> "package" ) or "take your freedom of choice and get lost, we are done
>>> trying
>>> to support and play the "X-factor of linux distributions" game. "
>>> And once the "market" has ( started ) taken a stance ( moving away from
>>> downstream provided package of their components since it does not work
>>> due
>>> to the fragmentation in the linux ecosystem ) it's irrelevant what I
>>> think
>>> or you think or distributions think or implement locally beside providing
>>> the underlying structure to run their application for the sole purpose of
>>> being relevant as an platform for deployment ( which today is basically
>>> any
>>> distribution that ships systemd ).
>> Ultimately that is going to be self limiting, you can only do it while
>> the most fundamental components are playing by the old rules. I can
>> think of a few research software packages (in the sense of software
>> packages, not fedora packages) which are so tied to particular
>> underlying libraries that getting them to work in the same environment
>> is a real pain (various ones that bundle underlying libraries and have
>> their own setups that force that on the whole system because they
>> can't even get linking right). Now you can containerise that, but
>> eventually you are going to have to have containers within containers,
>> and somewhere in there will be a piece of rotting software.
> It's self limiting with or without containers is it not? besides there is
> rotting piece of software littered all across the software galaxy even in
> Fedora so that's nothing new.
> ( which is to be expected for a distribution that has more components than
> the require manpower to maintain them properly, inefficient deprecation and
> clean up procedures etc. )
> In the end containers wont solve all the world problems and there exist use
> cases outside it just as it was with virtualization but at the moment it's
> want the market wants.

What I mean is they're not a magic solution, and this approach is
beginning to burn up the accumulated benefit of years of discipline
over this stuff. Currently you can see the software that has problems,
and an over-dependence on bundling libraries is often a sign that a
project is a bit flaky, containerisation allows that to be hidden. It
does have plenty of legitimate uses of course.


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