
Karsten Wade quaid at fedoraproject.org
Thu Apr 2 19:42:29 UTC 2009

 en-US/Kernel.xml |  174 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 169 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 659e23727a786d7a359f9372f97d50e2157eda4c
Author: Karsten Wade <kwade at calliope.phig.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 2 12:40:49 2009 -0700

    Conversion of content from wiki for Preview Release.
    * Manual conversion to XML
    * Inclusion of section ID content
    * Content was edited in the wiki for clarity, etc. prior to conversion

diff --git a/en-US/Kernel.xml b/en-US/Kernel.xml
index 4691ebd..6bf93f3 100644
--- a/en-US/Kernel.xml
+++ b/en-US/Kernel.xml
@@ -2,8 +2,172 @@
 <!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
-        <title>Linux Kernel</title>
-        <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http" url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Kernel_Beat">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Kernel_Beat</ulink></remark>
-        <para>TBD</para>
-    </section>
+<section id="sn-Linux_Kernel">
+  <title>Linux Kernel</title>
+  <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http" url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Kernel_Beat">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Kernel_Beat</ulink></remark>
+  <para>This section covers changes and important information regarding the 2.6.29 based kernel in Fedora 11.</para>
+  <section id="sn-Improved_Performance_and_Reduced_Power_with_relatime">
+    <title>Improved Performance and Reduced Power with relatime</title>
+    <para>The <ulink
+    url="http://lwn.net/Articles/244829/">relatime</ulink> option is
+    now enabled by default in Fedora 11.  It improves filesystem
+    performance and reduces power consumption.</para>
+    <para>The POSIX standard requires operating systems to keep track
+    of the last time each file was accessed by an application or the
+    user, and to store this timestamp as part of the filesystem
+    data. This timestamp, called <firstterm>atime</firstterm>, is used
+    in finding out which files are never used (to clean up the
+    <filename>/tmp</filename> directory for example) or if a file has
+    been looked at after it was last changed.</para>
+    <para>A significant downside to atime is that every time a file is
+    accessed, the kernel has to write a new timestamp to the disk, at
+    least after a few seconds of activity. These disk writes keep the
+    disk and the link to the disk busy, which costs both performance
+    and power.</para>
+    <para>Because some programs use atime, disabling by default is not
+    practical. The Linux kernel has a feature called
+    <firstterm>relatime</firstterm>, which is an effective compromise
+    between having some of the information that atime provides,
+    without having the disk time updated as regularly. It works by
+    updating the atime field on disk only if the file hasn't been
+    accessed since the last time it was accessed (to provide the new
+    email detection capability) or when the last access was more than
+    1 day ago (to help programs and users clean up unused files in the
+    <filename>/tmp</filename> directory). An improved version of
+    relatime has been <ulink
+    url="https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2009-March/msg01612.html">merged
+    upstream</ulink> by Fedora developers in the 2.6.30 kernel and
+    backported to the Fedora 11 kernel.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-Version">
+    <title>Version</title>
+    <para>Fedora may include additional patches to the kernel for
+    improvements, bug fixes, or additional features. For this reason,
+    the Fedora kernel may not be line-for-line equivalent to the
+    so-called <firstterm>vanilla kernel</firstterm> from the
+    kernel.org web site:</para>
+    <para><ulink url="http://www.kernel.org/"/></para>
+    <para>To obtain a list of these patches, download the source RPM
+    package and run the following command against it:</para>
+    <screen>
+      <command>rpm -qpl kernel-&lt;version&gt;.src.rpm</command>
+    </screen>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-Changelog">
+    <title>Changelog</title>
+    <para>To retrieve a log of changes to the package, run the
+    following command:</para>
+    <screen>
+      <command>rpm -q --changelog kernel-&lt;version&gt;</command>
+    </screen>
+    <para>If you need a user friendly version of the changelog, refer
+    to <ulink url="http://wiki.kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges"/>. A
+    short and full diff of the kernel is available from <ulink
+    url="http://kernel.org/git"/>. The Fedora version kernel is based
+    on the Linus tree.</para>
+    <para>Customizations made for the Fedora version are available
+    from <ulink url="http://cvs.fedoraproject.org"/>.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-Kernel_Flavors">
+    <title>Kernel Flavors</title>
+    <para>Fedora 11 includes the following kernel builds:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+	<para>Native kernel, for use in most systems.  Configured
+	sources are available in the <package>kernel-devel</package>
+	package.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para>The kernel-PAE, for use in 32-bit x86 systems with more
+	than 4GB of RAM, or with CPUs that have a NX (No eXecute)
+	feature.  This kernel supports both uniprocessor and
+	multi-processor systems.  Configured sources are available in
+	the <package>kernel-PAE-devel</package> package.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para>Debugging kernel, for use in debugging some kernel
+	issues. Configured sources are available in the
+	<package>kernel-debug-devel</package> package.</para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    <para>You may install kernel headers for all four kernel flavors
+    at the same time. The files are installed in the
+    <filename>/usr/src/kernels/&lt;version&gt;[-PAE|-xen|-kdump]
+    -&lt;arch&gt;/</filename> tree. Use the following command:
+    </para>
+    <screen>
+      <command>su -c 'yum install kernel{,-PAE,-xen,-kdump}-devel'</command>
+    </screen>
+    <para>Select one or more of these flavors, separated by commas and
+    no spaces, as appropriate.  Enter the root password when
+    prompted.</para>
+    <note>
+      <title>x86 Kernel Includes Kdump</title>
+      <para>Both the x86_64 and the i686 kernels are relocatable, so
+      they no longer require a separate kernel for kdump
+      capability. PPC64 still requires a separate kdump kernel.</para>
+    </note>
+    <note>
+      <title>x86 Kernel Includes Paravirtualization</title>
+      <para>Both the x86_64 and the i686 kernels contain paravirt_ops
+      support, so they no longer require a separate kernel for running
+      under a Xen hypervisor.</para>
+    </note>
+    <note>
+      <title>Default Kernel Provides SMP</title>
+      <para>There is no separate SMP kernel available for Fedora on
+      i386, x86_64, and ppc64.  Multiprocessor support is provided by
+      the native kernel.</para>
+    </note>
+    <note>
+      <title>PowerPC Kernel Support</title>
+      <para>There is no support for Xen or kdump for the PowerPC
+      architecture in Fedora. 32-bit PowerPC still has a separate SMP
+      kernel.</para>
+    </note>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-Preparing_for_Kernel_Development">
+    <title>Preparing for Kernel Development</title>
+    <para>Fedora 11 does not include the
+    <package>kernel-source</package> package provided by older
+    versions since only the <package>kernel-devel</package> package is
+    required now to build external modules. Configured sources are
+    available, as described in <xref
+    linkend="sn-Kernel_Flavors"/>.</para>
+    <important>
+      <title>Custom Kernel Building</title>
+      <para>For information on kernel development and working with
+      custom kernels, refer to <ulink
+      url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Building_a_custom_kernel"/>.</para>
+    </important>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-Reporting_Bugs">
+    <title>Reporting Bugs</title>
+    <para>Refer to <ulink
+    url="http://kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/lkml/reporting-bugs.html"/>
+    for information on reporting bugs in the Linux kernel.  You may
+    also use <ulink url="http://bugzilla.redhat.com"/> for reporting
+    bugs that are specific to Fedora.</para>
+  </section>

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