
John J. McDonough jjmcd at
Fri Sep 25 00:31:14 UTC 2009

 build/make-l10n |  118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit e0c1faca66712af5b1be9aace689d67019b8f7ab
Author: John J. McDonough <jjmcd at>
Date:   Thu Sep 24 20:31:06 2009 -0400

    Script used to build beta release notes for L10N

diff --git a/build/make-l10n b/build/make-l10n
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c405f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/make-l10n
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#  Test build Fedora 12 release notes and push to is-sixsigma
+#  This is the script running on the crontab to build the Fedora 12
+#  release notes for L10N to review.
+#  NOTE that this will require editing to run on your system
+#  jjmcd - 2009-09-24
+# These first two are the ones that need changed.  In addition, your
+# .netrc must contain credentials for logging on to ftp
+GITIT="git clone ssh://"
+# Languages in Transifex
+TFXLAN=(as bn_IN ca cs da de el es fi fr gu he hi hr hu id it ja kn ko ml mr ms nb nl or pa pl pt_BR pt ru sk sr_Latn sr sv ta te uk zh_CN zh_TW)
+# Corresponding languages in Publican
+PUBLAN=(as-IN bn-IN ca-ES cs-CZ da-DK de-DE el-GR es-ES fi-FI fr-FR gu-IN he-IL hi-IN hr-HR hu-HU id-ID it-IT ja-JP kn-IN ko-KR ml-IN mr-IN ms-MY nb-NO nl-NL or-IN pa-IN pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ru-RU sk-SK sr-Latn-RS sr-RS sv-SE ta-IN te-IN uk-UA zh-CN zh-TW)
+# Retrieve latest from git.fh.o
+rm -Rf release-notes
+# Grab the po files from f12-tx and stash them
+pushd release-notes
+git checkout ${BRANCH}
+mkdir ../hold
+cp po/* ../hold/
+# Go back to the master branch and put the po files as well
+# as the doctored makefile where they belong
+git checkout ${MAIN}
+cp ../hold/* po/
+cp ../Makefile .
+rm -Rf ../hold
+# Build the en-US notes
+make html-en-US
+# Now make a script to copy them up and execute it
+echo "cd /var/www/fedora/F12beta" >ftp.tmp
+echo "mkdir en-US" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "lcd tmp/en-US/html" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "cd en-US" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mkdir Common_Content" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mkdir Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mkdir Common_Content/images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mkdir images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "cd images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "lcd images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "cd ../Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "lcd ../Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "cd ../images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "lcd ../images" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+echo "bye" >>ftp.tmp
+ftp -pi <ftp.tmp
+# pots in master out of date????
+# Some are missing, so this is a temp fix
+make update-pot
+# Loop through the various languages and execute them in turn
+for NUM in {0..39} ; do
+    #
+    # Generate the po files from the munged up tfx po's
+    #
+    mv po/${TFXLAN[${NUM}]}.po po/${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}.po
+    mkdir ${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}
+    for POTFILE in pot/*.pot; do
+        msgmerge po/${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}.po ${POTFILE} | msgattrib --no-obsolete  \
+                 > ${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}/$(basename ${POTFILE} .pot).po
+    done
+    #
+    # Now build the notes
+    #
+    make html-${PUBLAN[${NUM}]} 2> ../${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}.log
+    #
+    # and copy them up as before, if some sort of failure,
+    # don't poison dates on web
+    #
+    if [ -r tmp/${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}/html ] ; then
+	echo "cd /var/www/fedora/F12beta" >ftp.tmp
+	echo "mkdir ${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "lcd tmp/${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}/html" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "cd ${PUBLAN[${NUM}]}" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mkdir Common_Content" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mkdir Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mkdir Common_Content/images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mkdir images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "cd images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "lcd images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "cd ../Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "lcd ../Common_Content/css" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "cd ../images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "lcd ../images" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "mput *" >>ftp.tmp
+	echo "bye" >>ftp.tmp
+	ftp -pi <ftp.tmp
+    fi
+  done

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