[release-notes: 1/2] Add the Development beats.

Ben Cotton bcotton at fedoraproject.org
Sun Oct 28 17:45:28 UTC 2012

commit e283f83e79904d1c3db212e50ff381f10e1493ce
Author: Ben Cotton <bcotton at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 28 13:43:59 2012 -0400

    Add the Development beats.

 en-US/Development.xml           |  110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 en-US/Development_D.xml         |   31 +++++++++++
 en-US/Development_GCC_Tools.xml |   12 ++++
 en-US/Development_Haskell.xml   |   15 +++++
 en-US/Development_Tools.xml     |   55 +++++++++++++++-----
 en-US/Release_Notes.xml         |   13 ++++-
 6 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
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+  <title>Development</title>
+     <section>
+          <title>Perl </title>
+        <section>
+            <title>Perl updated to 5.16 </title>
+          <para> Perl 5.16 introduces a number of significant changes: </para>
+          <section>
+              <title>New Features </title>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para> Unicode 6.1 </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> More consistent <literal>eval</literal> controlled with <literal>unicode_eval</literal> and <literal>evalbytes</literal> feature</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> 2- and 3-argument <literal>substr</literal> called in left-value context is evaluted even after changing original string</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> New <literal>T_*REF_REFCOUNT_FIXED</literal> XS typemap fixing reference counter decremetion</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> New <literal>is_utf8_char_buf</literal> XS-callable function replaces broken <literal>is_utf8_char</literal> function</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>$$</literal> variable is writable</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> Improved debugger: tracing mode can be restricted to certain level, breakpoints can be disabled temporarily, breakpoints can be set by file name </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>sort</literal> subroutines can be autoloaded</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>$[</literal> variable is provided by <literal>arybase</literal> module</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> mmaped PerlIO layer is now a separate module <literal>PerlIO::mmap</literal>
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </section><section>
+              <title>Deprecated Features </title>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para> Accessing Unicode database files directly is deprecated now; use <literal>Unicode::UCD</literal> instead</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>Version::Requirements</literal> is deprecated in favor of <literal>CPAN::Meta::Requirements</literal>
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </section><section>
+              <title>Incompatible Changes </title>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para> Special blocks (e.g. <literal>BEGIN</literal>) are called in void context</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> Unoverloaded stringification of regular expression does not return the expression literal </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>T_DATAUNIT</literal> and <literal>T_CALLBACK</literal> XS typemaps removed</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> User defined case-changing has been removed in favor of <literal>Unicode::Casing</literal>
+                </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> XSUB C functions are static now and they are not exported from their object files </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> Read-only references cannot be weaken </para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>$$</literal>,  <literal>$&lt;</literal>, <literal>$&gt;</literal>, <literal>$(</literal>, and <literal>$)</literal> do not cache their value</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para>
+                  <literal>Devel::DProf</literal>, <literal>Shell</literal> have been removed from Perl core</para>
+              </listitem><listitem>
+                <para> perl4 libraries removed: abbrev.pl, assert.pl, bigfloat.pl, bigint.pl, bigrat.pl, cacheout.pl, complete.pl, ctime.pl, dotsh.pl, exceptions.pl, fastcwd.pl, flush.pl, getcwd.pl, getopt.pl, getopts.pl, hostname.pl, importenv.pl, lib/find{,depth}.pl, look.pl, newgetopt.pl, open2.pl, open3.pl, pwd.pl, hellwords.pl, stat.pl, tainted.pl, termcap.pl, timelocal.pl </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </section>
+        </section><section>
+            <title>PCRE Libraries updated to 8.30 </title>
+          <para> Fedora 18 will provide PCRE ( Perl-Compatible Regular Expression ) libraries of version 8.30 or newer. This brings UTF-16 support and API changes, which are documented by the changelog and NEWS provided in /usr/share/doc/pcre* </para>
+        </section>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Python updated to 3.3 </title>
+        <para> The system Python 3 stack has been upgraded to 3.3 (the system Python 2 stack remains at 2.7), bringing in hundreds of fixes and tweaks; for a list of changes see <ulink url="http://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/3.3.html">http://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/3.3.html</ulink>
+        </para>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Ruby on Rails framework updated </title>
+        <para> Fedora 18 will provide Ruby on Rails 3.2, the latest version of the Ruby on Rails framework. Developers are able to use the latest Ruby on Rails features, which are documented in the project's release notes: <ulink url="http://guides.rubyonrails.org/3_2_release_notes.html">http://guides.rubyonrails.org/3_2_release_notes.html</ulink>
+          <ulink url="http://guides.rubyonrails.org/3_1_release_notes.html">http://guides.rubyonrails.org/3_1_release_notes.html</ulink>
+        </para>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Clojure joined by leiningen and tools </title>
+        <para> Fedora 18 now ships a more complete Clojure programming stack, including the build tool Leiningen. This will make it easier to package other Clojure libraries in the future. </para>
+      </section>
diff --git a/en-US/Development_D.xml b/en-US/Development_D.xml
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+  <title>D</title>
+<para>The D programming language is available in Fedora 18. D is a modern language with high performance near C/C++ with a simple syntax. C/C++ and Java developers can easily migrate to D. Fedora 18 provides more updates to the D toolkit: <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para> ldc compiler to latest stable compiler </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> build against <package>llvm</package> 3.1 </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> update standard library to dmd front-end 2.060 </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> update <package>gtkd</package> package to support gtk3 </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> update <package>derelict</package> package to version 3 </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> add <package>DSQLITE</package> package for use sqlite in D </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> add <package>gl3n</package> package for OpenGL Maths for D </para>
+          </listitem><listitem>
+            <para> add <package>glamour</package> package: an OpenGL wrapper for the D programming language. </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+      </para>
diff --git a/en-US/Development_GCC_Tools.xml b/en-US/Development_GCC_Tools.xml
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+  <title>GCC Tools</title>
+<para> DragonEgg is a plugin for the GCC compilers to allow use of the LLVM optimization and code generation framework. DragonEgg provides software developers with more optimization and code generation options for use with the GCC compilers. DragonEgg also allows GCC to be used for cross-compilation to target architectures supported by LLVM without requiring any special cross-compilation compiler packages. </para>
diff --git a/en-US/Development_Haskell.xml b/en-US/Development_Haskell.xml
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+  <title>Haskell</title>
+	<para><package>GHC</package> has been updated to version 7.4.1, <package>haskell-platform</package> to 2012.2.0.0, and many of the rest of the 200 packages have been updated. </para>
+	<para>Newly added packages include <package>Agda</package>, <package>cabal-rpm</package>, and <package> snap-server</package>. </para>
diff --git a/en-US/Development_Tools.xml b/en-US/Development_Tools.xml
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-  <title>Development Tools</title>
-  <para>
-    Fedora has traditionally contained a rich set of development
-    tools.  The following are highlights of the many improvements to
-    the development tools included in this release of Fedora.
-  </para>
-  <section>
-  </section>
+  <title>Development Tools</title>
+      <section>
+          <title>boost gets up to speed </title>
+        <para> Fedora 18 will include Boost version 1.50. The popular collection of C libraries is updated to the newest available version with each Fedora release. </para>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Systemtap 2.0 </title>
+        <para> Systemtap 2.0 includes a new prototype backend, which uses DynInst to instrument a user's own binaries at runtime. This optional alternative backend does not use kernel modules, and does not require root privileges, but is restricted with respect to the kinds of probes and other constructs that a script may use. </para>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Tracing with LTTng </title>
+        <para> Developers looking to improve their applications will find that Fedora 18's <package>lttng-tools</package> and <package>ltt-ust</package> packages provide fast and efficient tracing.  The tracer allows easy correlation of userspace and kernel traces, if the latter is available. Boasting a nanosecond-precision timestamp, LTTng is especially useful when searching for elusive latencies. Get started with the project's documentation at   <ulink url="http://lttng.org/quickstart">http://lttng.org/quickstart</ulink>
+        </para>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>Improved Crash reports </title>
+        <section>
+            <title>Debuginfo included by default </title>
+          <para> Fedora 18 ships with a small subset of debug information by default. Full debug information is still available in the debuginfo packages.  </para>
+        </section><section>
+            <title>Debuginfo compressed by DWARF </title>
+          <para> Debuginfo will be post-processed by the DWARF compressor tool "dwz" to reduce size of the *.debug files.  Developers may run this same program on their binaries. </para>
+        </section><section>
+            <title>Simplified crash reporting via ABRT Server </title>
+          <para> Fedora's bug reporting tool (ABRT) now uses new, simplified way of reporting user problems. These reports are now handled by ABRT Server, which also provides statistics and clustering of the reports, giving maintainers more accurate data about the problem. </para>
+        </section>
+      </section><section>
+          <title>IPython updated </title>
+        <para> IPython has been updated to version 0.13 and notable features and head-ups are: The Notebook has a new user interface and has many new features like auto-folding of very long lines, uploading new notebooks to the dashboard, manage started clusters and improved tooltips. The notebook format has changed and when you want to share your notebook with users of older version, there is a conversion script available. New cell magics like <literal>%%bash</literal>, <literal>%%ruby</literal>, <literal>%%timeit</literal> and many others. The Qt console has improved menus and can directly display jpeg images. </para>
+      </section>
diff --git a/en-US/Release_Notes.xml b/en-US/Release_Notes.xml
index 2a76844..f51c289 100644
--- a/en-US/Release_Notes.xml
+++ b/en-US/Release_Notes.xml
@@ -115,14 +115,21 @@
   <section id="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Developers">
     <title>Changes in Fedora for Developers</title>
+    <xi:include href="Development.xml"
+                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+    </xi:include>
     <xi:include href="Development_Tools.xml"
-    <xi:include href="Haskell.xml"
+    <xi:include href="Development_GCC_Tools.xml"
+                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+    </xi:include>
+    <xi:include href="Development_D.xml"
+                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+    </xi:include>
+    <xi:include href="Development_Haskell.xml"

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