[tools] Store beats info in a pickle add functionality to add suggested reading, packages, and contacts to b

Pete Travis immanetize at fedoraproject.org
Sun Mar 2 21:12:10 UTC 2014

commit f968c86011329c2486682a5eb9480c99a332c88e
Author: Pete Travis <immanetize at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Sun Mar 2 14:12:04 2014 -0700

    Store beats info in a pickle
    add functionality to add suggested reading, packages, and contacts to beats info
    misc other function adjustments

 tools/pybeats/beats.py |  243 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/pybeats/beats.py b/tools/pybeats/beats.py
index 7cb5008..f03f5c6 100644
--- a/tools/pybeats/beats.py
+++ b/tools/pybeats/beats.py
@@ -2,109 +2,46 @@
 import mwclient
 import sys
 import os
+import argparse
+import pickle
 def beats_list():
-    beat_list = ( "Documentation_Beats_Installer",
-        "Documentation_Architecture_Specific_Content_Beat",
-        "Documentation_x86_Specific_Content_Beat",
-        "Documentation_x86_64_Specific_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Cloud_Specific_Content_Beat",
-        "Documentation_ARM_Specific_Content_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Desktop_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Productivity_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Networking_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Printing_Beat",
-        "Documentation_I18n_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Multimedia_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Entertainment_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Live_Image_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Kernel_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Boot_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Security_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Virtualization_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Web_Servers_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Cloud_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Mail_Servers_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Database_Servers_Beat",
-        "Documentation_File_Servers_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Samba_Beat",
-        "Documentation_System_Daemons_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Server_Configuration_Tools_Beat",
-        "Documentation_File_Systems_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Xorg_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Cluster_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Runtime_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Tools_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_GCC_Tools_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Java_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_D_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Haskell_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Eclipse_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Backwards_Compatibility_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_OCaml_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Development_Web_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Scientific_and_Technical_Beat"
-        "Documentation_EDA_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Embedded_Development_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Circuit_Design_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Robotics_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Amateur_Radio_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Musicians_Beat",
-        "Documentation_Monitoring_Beat"
-        )
+    fyle = open('beat_pickle', 'r')
+    beat_list = pickle.load(fyle)
+    fyle.close()
     return beat_list
-# this just doesn't work
-#beatlist = beats_list() 
-#sys.path.append( '%s/beats_info' % os.getcwd() )
-#for beat in beatlist:
-#    print("importing %s" % beat)
-#    try:
-#        module_object = __import__(beat)
-#    except:
-#        print("failed to open module object for %s" % beat)
-#    try:
-#        locals()[beat] = module_object
-#    except:
-#        print("import of %s beat failed" % beat)
-def create_beats_skeleton():
-    beatlist = beats_list()
+def create_beat_skeleton(beat):
     if not os.path.isdir("beats_info"):
-    initfile = "beats_info/__init__.py"
-    doinit = open(initfile, 'w')
-    doinit.write('#!/usr/bin/python')
-    doinit.close()
-    for beat in beatlist:
-        filename = "beats_info/" + beat + ".py"
- #       filename = beat + ".py"
-        f = open(filename, 'w')
-        f.write('#!/usr/bin/python\n\n')
-        f.write('###\n# Beat definition and guidance for %s\n###\n\n' % beat)
-        f.write('def return_beat():\n')
-        f.write('   beat = {}\n')
-        f.write('   beat[\'beat_name\'] = "%s"\n' % beat)
-        f.write('   beat[\'beat_overview\'] = ""\n')
-        f.write('   beat[\'suggested_packages\'] = ()\n')
-        f.write('   beat[\'suggested_contacts\'] = ()\n')
-        f.write('   beat[\'suggested_reading\'] = ()\n')
-        f.write('   return(beat)\n')
-        f.close()
-#    import_beats()
-##    import beats_info
-#    print("import fail")
-#    create_beats_skeleton()
+    filename = "beats_info/" + beat + ".pickled_beet"
+    if not os.path.exists(filename):
+	    pick = open(filename, 'w')
+        beet = {}
+        beet['beat_name'] = beat
+        beet['beat_overview'] = ""
+        beet['suggested_packages'] = ()
+        beet['suggested_contacts'] = ()
+        beet['suggested_reading'] = ()
+        pickle.dump(beet, pick)
+        pick.close()
+    else:
+        print("pickled_beet exists for %s, aborting" % beat)
-def setup_wiki_connection(username, password):
-    site = mwclient.Site('fedoraproject.org', path = '/w/')
-    if username and password:
+def setup_wiki_connection(username=None, password=None):
+    if not username:
+        username = raw_input("FAS Username: ")
+    if not password:
+        import getpass
+        password = getpass.getpass("FAS Password: ")
+    try:
+        site = mwclient.Site('fedoraproject.org', path = '/w/')
+    except:
+        print("Failed to open wiki connection")
+    try:
         site.login(username, password)
+    except:
+        print("Unable to log in to wiki")
     return site
 footer = """
@@ -115,16 +52,41 @@ footer = """
 header = "{{header|docs}}"
 docs_beat_open = "{{Docs_beat_open}}"
-def clearbeats(beats, string):
-    for beat in beats:
-        page = site.Pages[beat]
-        text = page.edit()
+def clear_beats(site, beat=None, *beats):
+    def clearbeat(beat):
+        try:
+            page = site.Pages[beat]
+        except:
+            print("unable to load %s page" % beat)
         string = header + docs_beat_open + footer
+        print("Clearing %s" % beat)
+        print("content will be: \n%s" % string)
+    if beat == "all" and beats:
+        for beat in beats:
+            clearbeat(beat)
+    elif beat and not beats:
+        clearbeat(beat)
+def add_beat(beat, **credentials):
+    fyle = open('beat_pickle','r+')
+    beat_list = pickle.load(fyle)
+    print("Adding %s to beats list")
+    beat_list.append(beat)
+    pickle.dump(beat_list, fyle)
+    fyle.close()
+    create_beat_skeleton(beat)
+    response = raw_input("Beat added locally. Open beat on wiki? (Y/N) : ")
+    if response in ('Y', 'y', 'Yes', 'yes'):
+        if username, password:
+            site = setup_wiki_connection(username, password)
+        else:
+            site = setup_wiki_connection()
+        clear_beats(site, beat)
-def update_talk():
-    beatlist = beats_list()
-    for beat in beatlist:
+def update_talk(site, beat=None, *beats):
+    def write_talk():
         module = __import__(beat)
         info = module.return_beat()
         talk_page = "Talk:" + beat
@@ -144,8 +106,85 @@ def update_talk():
         for person in info['suggested_contacts']:
             if person:
                 talk_string += "* %s\n" % person
+    if beat == "all" and beats:
+        for beat in beats:
+            write_talk(beat)
+    elif beat and not beats:
+        write_talk(beat)
+#add functions for adding things to talk page
+def add_thing(thing, beat, string):
+    if not thing in ('suggested_package', 'suggested_contact', 'suggested_reading')
+        print("Unable to add to %s for %s" % (thing, beat))
+        sys.exit()
+    filename = "beats_info/" + beat + ".pickled_beet"
+    try:
+        fyle = open(filename, 'r+')
+    except:
+        print("Unable to open beat info")
+        sys.exit()
+    beat_info = pickle.load(fyle)
+    beat_info[thing].append(package)
+    pickle.dump(beat_info, fyle)
+    fyle.close()
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Manipulate Fedora Docs Beats table!")
+    parser.add_argument('action', help="Action to perform on beats table")
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--beat', help = "Beat to act on, or all")
+    parser.add_argument('-U', '--username', help = "FAS Username, for wiki login")
+    parser.add_argument('-P', '--password', help = "FAS Password, for wiki login")
+    parser.add_argument('--all', help="Act on all beats", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--package', help = "Package to add to list, use with add-package")
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--contact', help = "Contact to add to list, use with add-contact")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.action == 'list-beats':
+        for beat in beats_list():
+            print beat
+    elif args.action == 'add-package':
+        try:
+            add_thing('suggested_package', args.beat, args.package)
+        except:
+            print("Failed to add %s to %s" % (package, beat))
+            sys.exit()
+    elif args.action == 'add-contact':
+        try:
+            add_thing('suggested_contact', args.beat, args.contact)
+        except:
+            print("Failed to add %s to %s" % (args.beat, args.contact))
+            sys.exit()
+    elif args.action == 'add-reading':
+        try:
+            add_thing('suggested_reading', args.beat, args.contact)
+        except:
+            print("Failed to add %s to %s" % (args.beat, args.contact)
+    elif args.action == 'clear':
+        try:
+            site = setup_wiki_connection(args.username, args.password)
+        except:
+            site = setup_wiki_connection()
+        if args.all:
+            response = raw_input("Type \"I Am Sure\" to confirm you want to clear *all* beats: ")
+            if response = 'I Am Sure':
+                beats = beats_list()
+                clear_beats(site, 'all', beats)
+            else:
+                print("You are not sure, so exiting.")
+        else:
+            if args.beat in beats_list():
+                clear_beats(site, args.beat)
+            else:
+                print("Beat not defined")
+    elif args.action == 'add-beat':
+        try:
+            add_beat(beat, username=args.username, password=args.password)
+         except:
+            add_beat(beat)
+    elif args.action == 'update_talk':
+        if args.all:

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