Anaconda documents

Edward C. Bailey ed at
Fri Nov 21 19:14:31 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Rau (work) <arau at> writes:

Alexander> That's great thanks.  But the anaconda docs volunteer group
Alexander> needs to agree on a way of doing it:

Alexander> 1. Are we going to use the documentation project way or 2. are
Alexander> we using Akbar's sourceforge page?

Alexander> Any thoughts?

Well, since you asked, here's my $0.02... ;-)

My feeling is that if you want to get started *right now*, you could go
with Akbar's solution.  Long-term, though, you'd probably want to move to
the project's CVS server, as this would simplify integrating your
documentation with the distribution proper...

Ed Bailey        Red Hat, Inc.

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