CVS in the meantime (was Re: Anaconda documents)

Akbar S. Ahmed akbar501 at
Wed Nov 26 05:53:24 UTC 2003

Taylor, ForrestX wrote:
> Will you be able to host this until at least the end
> of the year?  If not, let's go to Brian's kickstart-tools repository and
> set it up there.

I could host it till the end of the year, but Brian's kickstart-tools 
repository on would probably be better. has better 
bandwidth than I have here.

If we switch to, when will this be done?
Should we start on my system and then switch or just start with

Personally, either way is fine with me.

I have a system up and running, but nobody except Alexander has send 
their CVS username/password. There are a few kinks that Alexander and I 
are working out, but I'm sure everything can be fixed.


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