Anaconda customisation guide

Paul Nasrat pauln at
Sun Sep 28 08:16:48 UTC 2003

This was brought up on fedora-test-list but never got moved.

An anaconda guide is listed on
already and I think it would be  very worth while.

I guess it'd be a good idea to brainstorm what should go in it.  For
those on anaconda-devel (I haven't been on it for a while), what are
current FAQ's etc.  There is probably a fair overlap with advanced
kickstart usage.

The common things I've done or thought about in no particular order are:

1) Incorporating updates into installer 
2) Adding new kernel modules to an image
3) Adding new groups to comps.xml  (maybe a nice way of editing it could
be provided using pygtk and rhl.comps)
4) Adding new classes to the install (and making them fit in the gui)
5) Reskinning anaconda and the distro (what to replace)
6) Building a stripped down single CD install
7) Building a DVD

Thoughts, comments, etc welcome.


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