CVS in the meantime (was Re: Anaconda documents)

Paul Pianta pantz at
Tue Jan 13 21:02:57 UTC 2004

>Wiki, Twiki, Kwiki,...
I'm clueless on wikis - never been a big fan - but if someone sets one 
up somewhere I am ready to add/modify/read/whatever it - and in the 
process - learn how they work lol.

I guess we could wiki it for a while - get all the separate docs 
integrated into something that everyone agrees on - and then when we 
have a complete doc (read over many times by many people) - then we can 
maybe find some poor innocent fool that will do the dirty job of 
squeezing it into a format that redhat are gonna accept.

Any wiki-aware people with some spare server-space out there? (actually 
i have a mega-slow server that might do the job if needed ...)


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