FAQs and consolidating it

Dave Pawson dpawson at nildram.co.uk
Wed Jan 28 18:00:14 UTC 2004

At 07:51 28/01/2004, Colin Charles wrote:
>It's common with all projects to have FAQs, and now there are plenty of
>FAQs out there visible on the lists.
>Some folk have gathered it up and created unofficial FAQs. Excellent.
>As part of the documentation project, I think we should gather all the
>FAQs out there, write it up in a useful format, and be able to host it
>at fedora.redhat.com.
>I realise that CVS access doesn't exist, but as soon as this is in
>place, we can all work together, and edit and create a useful FAQ list.
>Why consolidate? It gives Fedora a better image. Users will find answers
>to questions much easier. List traffic will reduce drastically.
>Any thoughts on this?

Suggest docbook qandadiv blocks,
qanda individual ones.

I don't think fedora have used it,
but wrap that docbook in Norm's website,
and its easy to build a complete website from it.

I'll help with markup or transforms if needed.
Just let me know.


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