Volunteer / Would like to participate

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com
Tue Jun 8 20:41:59 UTC 2004

Uttered Mark Johnson <mjohnson at redhat.com>, spake thus:

> I could volunteer as a "Helper" who assists people in getting a working 
> docbook authoring setup.

Could you start this by correcting the fedora-docs/example-tutorial?
The current CVS content gives a very poor PDF rendering, with
header/footer rules only half way across the page; and <table></table>
output only spanning half the page.  The HTML rendering seems OK enough
for now, but monkeying with the setup trying to get even a
semi-polished looking PDF is driving me nuts.

I'd perfer to see "example-tutorial" contain the actual template that
will be used for Fedora docs.  Provide us with the boilerplate and we
then DOCBOOK by example.

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