Formatting Question

Chris Stankaitis chris at
Thu Oct 14 16:37:56 UTC 2004

Chris Stankaitis wrote:
>> What does the "Page Info" tell you about the document? For instance,
>> when I browse a local file it is seen as ISO-8859-1 encoding, text/html
>> MIME type. Is that what you see from the Apache-served file? If not, the
>> httpd.conf file might be the place to start. The version of Apache you
>> are running might be an issue.
> Yes, that was exactly the problem... the html was encoding in ISO, but 
> on Apache it was trying to use UTF-8.
> I had to make modifications to the main-html.xsl by adding:
> <xsl:param name="chunker.output.encoding" select="'UTF-8'"/>
> to tell /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/manifest.xsl to not 
> convert the html to ISO.
> --Chris.

UTF-8 is a standard, why is the Fedora Doc's program not using UTF-8 as 
it's default encoding type?

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