screenshot instructions

Dave Pawson davep at
Wed Sep 1 16:52:10 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 12:50, Paul W. Frields wrote:

> My vote is that:
> - <Screen> should be used for any interaction with the computer, be it
> input or output.
> - <Userinput> should be used inside <screen> for what a user is expected
> to type. No prompt should be shown.

Valid markup, don't expect to see any presentational difference.

> - <Computeroutput> should be used inside <screen> for what the user
> views, whether it is a response to a command or the contents of a file.

Ditto above.

> - No additional <command>, <filename> or other tags inside <*put> other
> than <replaceable>, where it applies and would aid comprehension or the
> text demands it.

Nested inlines really are a waste of effort IMHO.

Regards DaveP.
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