Hardening Doc Preview

tuxxer tuxxer at cox.net
Mon Sep 6 00:09:58 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 09:46, Dave Pawson wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-09-04 at 14:04, tuxxer wrote:
> > Hey guys.
> > 
> > I'm posting a draft version of what I've got so far of the hardening doc
> > in my own web-space.  It's not much, but it will be updated rather
> > randomly, as I get chances to work on it.  There isn't a "draft"
> > statement on it at the moment (other than the title), but I'm working on
> > that, and it will be there shortly.
> > 
> > 
> > Link:  http://members.cox.net/tuxxer/
> Hi Charlie
> http://members.cox.net/tuxxer/s1-chapter1-services.html
> 1. General. I was surprised to find that 'hardening' meant setting up
> the ssystem to repel 'attacks'.

What else would it be?

>   Be nice to see something like a comparison with a Windows (Norton
> setup) and this, perhaps to get a perspective for a windows user?

How would this compare?  Maybe something for a Windows to linux
migrator, but because of the inherent differences of the OS's, the
processes won't be the same.  What do you mean by a "Norton" setup?

> 2. On the above url,
>   No idea what half those services do. How about a one line description
> of each?


> 1.4.2 you use the term 'service control'. No idea what it is.
>    Who is the audience for this document? If newbies included, please
>  tell us!

Working on that part.

> Overall.
>   I'm a 'new to fc2' user, and its looking potentially very useful.
> Please finish it :-)

tuxxer <tuxxer(a)cox(dot)net>

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