installation guide

Mark Johnson mjohnson at
Wed Sep 8 14:04:35 UTC 2004

Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-09-07 at 17:08, Stuart Ellis wrote:
>>I've started to write a draft of the "Starting the Installation Program"
>>to see how it goes, and hit the first point requiring a screenshot.
>>How should "needs screenshot" be marked ?  Should I put in a screenshot
>>(which can be discarded later), or just put a placeholder ?
> I would put in a comment that looks something like this:
>   <!-- FIXME: screenshot needed, showing anaconda screen for
>        choosing mouse. -->

When I've got a section that needs fixing, I use a

<remark role="FIXME">FIXME: screenshot needed, showing anaconda 
screen for choosing mouse.<remark>

construct (although the role isn't really needed). Then I add the 
following snippet to the CSS stylesheet (we're talking about HTML 
output, right?)

.remark  { color: #0000FF;
            font-weight: bold;

which generates a bold, blue statement, as e.g., can be seen here:

And I believe <remark>s need to be wrapped in a <para>s. 
Semantically, remark is recommended specifically for (you guessed 
it) remarks in draft documents, so at least there's some 
consistency. As it says in DocBook: The Defintive Guide:

remark — A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft 

I have similar stylesheet snippets for DSSSL print output, but not 
for XSL print output (yet:).

Of course, you can choose any color you wish.

Yet another option for FIXMEs...



Mark Johnson                     <mjohnson at>
OS Product Documentation
Engineering, Red Hat, Inc.       <>
Tel: 919.754.4151                Fax: 919.754.3708
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