draft notice text

Dave Pawson davep at dpawson.co.uk
Sat Sep 18 12:24:57 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 20:21, Tammy Fox wrote:

> No. We are not obligated to keep in step with RHEL. We are using a
> different toolchain and can agree to upgrade to DocBook 5 when it comes
> out if we want to. When a question comes up, I have been mentioning how
> we solved the problem internally with our DocBook SGML toolchain to
> offer a solution. Sometimes we agree to do the same thing. Sometimes we
> agree to do something different.

What  rationale is there for remaining with the SGML toolchain?

Regards DaveP.
XSLT&Docbook  FAQ

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