test2 release notes enshrined, CVS coming "sometime"

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 23:52:04 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 19:35 -0400, Elliot Lee wrote:
> Thank you to all of you, especially Karsten, for getting the release notes
> together for FC4test2!
> We are definitely getting closer to having CVS access for you all. I
> created a blank repository for Fedora docs just a minute ago. The key
> issue right now that affects not only you guys but everyone in Fedora is
> getting the new account system in place so we can get new contributors
> access faster.
> One thing I'd like to know now is how you'd like to receive CVS commit
> mails for the docs repo. These mails are an important part of the open
> development process because they keep individuals accountable for their
> changes. :) Is there a mailing list in existence that should receive these
> future e-mails? Do we need to set up a new one, and if so, who should
> manage it?

There's not a current list, but there's a fedora-cvs-commits-list and a
fedora-extras-commits-list.  There's a bit of hierarchy uncertainty
there, but nevertheless I nominate "fedora-docs-commits-list"!  I don't
know exactly how much work goes into "managing" a commits list.  Maybe
you can illuminate, since you do this for f-cvs-commits. ;-)  If the
answer is "not much," then I would think the Steering Committee is the
right place to look for one or more guilty parties.

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                          http://paul.frields.org/
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