why o why

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Apr 22 17:25:33 UTC 2005

Quoting "Paul W. Frields" <stickster at gmail.com>:

> [...snip...]
> Jeff Kinz wrote:
> > Apparently you can submit a doc in just about any format you want.  This
> > policy was unknown to me (Something else to put into the FDOC Guide :) )
> > or I would have submitted my doc in html or text format.
> This is on the Wiki, but I think the Documentation Guide (as canon)
> should probably contain a prominent statement to this effect as well.

I've found no link from the web pages to the wiki, so either there is none,
or it isn't obvious.  Hence, the wiki is of no use to someone starting
to participate in the project, as they don't know about the wiki.

Eric Rostetter

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