docs ideas, dream big

Patrick Barnes nman64 at
Thu Aug 18 22:09:36 UTC 2005

Tommy Reynolds wrote:

>Uttered Karsten Wade <kwade at>, spake thus:
>Great idea.  Ugly page.  Doesn't render correctly on my Firefox.
>>One thing we lack is a list of what to write for new authors.  I'd like
>>to fix that.
>Yeah, the flesh is willing, but the mind has no clue.  Like lots of
>engineers, tell me what you want and I can build it, but you gotta
>tell me first.  Many authors are in the same boat. This should be a
>great solution to that problem.
>C'mon, folks, let's keep those cards and letters rolling in!
I've worked on the page a little, to try to get it rendering a little
easier.  It works in the browsers I've tested it with, except a low
resolutions.  If you're looking at it at 640x480, I can't really help
you.  Tables, especially in a wiki, are tricky that way.

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
nman64 at

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