Doc ideas - Python, Java, PostgreSQL

Stuart Ellis stuart at
Fri Aug 19 13:40:06 UTC 2005

I've just added a few more ideas to:

These are a bit vague so anybody with an interest, please feel free to
comment or rewrite what's in the Wiki.

- PostgreSQL: Last meeting Gavin noted that we don't have anything on
Postgres. Fedora ships with PostgreSQL 8 and some specific admin tools,
so it would be great to promote this.

- Overview of the Free Java stack.

- Overview of Python Development with Fedora (or Fedora Development with
Python ?).  Not so much a "Hello World" tutorial as "what is it, why
it's good, how to set it up, and where to find the tutorials".

More people working with Python = more patches :). 


Stuart Ellis

stuart at

Fedora Documentation Project:

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