Self-Introduction: Chris Lennert

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at
Tue Dec 13 22:12:38 UTC 2005

Uttered Chris Lennert <calennert at>, spake thus:


Welcome to the FDP!

First, be sure to visit the site:

for info on how to gain full access to the project.

You might consider assisting in multiple areas.  Certainly the new
docs you mentioned are good candidates, but FDP also has some more
immediate needs, such as beat writers, so please consider that as

We also would value your help in the tools area.  We're using Apache
FOP and xsltproc to render the documents into HTML and PDF, but PDF
is mostly broken.  You could give that some attention.

These are all just suggestions to whet your appetite.  Feel free to
tackle one or more, or some others.

Again, welcome to the club.

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