[FYI] Apache FOP 0.90BETA1 Trial

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com
Tue Dec 20 20:48:44 UTC 2005

Uttered Andrew Martynov <andrewm at inventa.ru>, spake thus:

> Could you show me how to build PDF using new FOP version?

I'm using the new FOP built from CVS, along with the xmlto(1) RPM
that I patched to use FOP.  I use my own FOP wrapper; I've included
it here:


# export FOP=fop.sh
# export FOP_HOME=/opt/fop-0.20.5/
# export FOP_HOME=/opt/fop-0.90svn/
export FOP_HOME=/opt/fop-0.90alpha1/
export FOP=fop
export FOP_OPTS=-Xmx500m
exec ${FOP_HOME}/${FOP} $@


You can get a copy of the xmlto RPM from:


With these two items in place, all I did was:

	$ cd release-notes
	$ make LANGUAGES=ru html

Let me know how this works for you.

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