
James Laska jlaska at
Thu Jun 2 18:14:59 UTC 2005

Oops, the common/Makefile.common attached in the previous email has a

--- /tmp/Makefile.common        2005-06-02 14:12:19.000000000 -0400
+++ ../common/Makefile.common   2005-06-02 14:12:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 DOCNAME          = $(NAME)-$(LANG)
 XMLFILE          = $(DOCNAME).xml


 txt: TMPFILE = $(shell mktemp /tmp/$(DOCNAME).XXXXXX)

And any documents wishing to pass additional XSLPROC_*ARGS can do so

NAME := some-manual
LANG := en
XSLTPROC_ARGS  = --stringparam target.database.document olinkdb.xml
XSLTPROC_ARGS += --stringparam current.docid $(NAME)-$(LANG)
XSLTPROC_ARGS += --stringparam generate.toc "article nop"

include ../common/Makefile.common

Sorry for any confusion,
James Laska

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 13:53 -0400, James Laska wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I've been maintaining a mirror of the
> fedora-docs/{common,css,stylesheet-images,xsl} for internal Red Hat
> pubs.  I've found that it can be somewhat annoying to maintain pretty
> much the same Makefile across all the documents.  I therefore created
> "common/Makefile.common" which does all the hard work.  All that is
> required at this point is that a document include the common makefile
> and establish 2 mandatory variables:
> ===================================
> NAME := install-guide
> LANG := en
> include ../common/Makefile.common
> ===================================
> There are optional arguments for those wishing to override or add
> xsltproc parameters.  Those optional variables are: XSLTPROC_HTMLARGS,
> I have attached Makefile.common to this email for review as well.  I
> have not yet filed a bugzilla for this, because I first wanted to
> solicit fedora-docs-list feedback.
> Thoughts/concerns/feedback?
> Thanks,
> James Laska
> -- 
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