
Patrick Barnes nman64 at n-man.com
Sun Jun 5 08:16:24 UTC 2005

Karsten Wade wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 22:25 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>Patrick Barnes wrote:
>>>I'm not clear on this.  Who is responsible for http://fedoraproject.org/
>>>?  I'm not sure how many people actually use this base URL, but it needs
>>>some loving.  One of the links is broken, and it could be more
>>Its hosted by Seth Vidal,  primary developer of yum and  its a wiki, so
>>anyone with edit access could fix that
>I don't think the top level fedoraproject.org/ is an editable wiki.
>Regardless, it appears as if someone read about this because the link
>now redirects properly to smartfaq/ instead of wffaq/.
>The rest of the suggestions are probably best brought to the attention
>of the new Fedora Marketing Project, fedora-marketing-list at redhat.com.
>FWIW, I think there is sense your ideas, but I don't know all the
>history and details about fedoraproject.org.
>- Karsten
As soon as I got the response saying that Seth Vidal hosted it, I talked
to him and told him the link was broken.  He quickly corrected it.  I'll
go ahead and forward the rest of my message to fedora-marketing-list and
probably CC Seth.

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
nman64 at n-man.com


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