Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Tue Sep 6 12:42:20 UTC 2005

Timothy Murphy wrote:

>Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>If there are questions that we can answer within legal constraints go
>>ahead and suggest that or better yet get yourself wiki access and show
>>us how its done better
>You mean, "get off your backside"!
Oh my. It was a invitation to participate.

>I guess the area I would feel most advice was needed in would be,
>What to do if FC does not install (or upgrade) on your computer?
>Eg what are the parameters one can add to the boot response
>such as "linux text", etc.
>Then, what to do if Fedora installs OK in text mode
>but X is not running properly?
There are questions that better fit into the installation and a system 
administration guide itself


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