<command> vs <application>

Brad Smith brads at redhat.com
Thu Sep 8 19:57:03 UTC 2005

> <screen>
> <userinput><command>cd</command> <filename>foo</filename>
> <command>./bar</command> <option>-o baaz</option> 
> <command>cat</command> <filename>baaz</filename></userinput>
> <computeroutput>[contents of baaz]</computeroutput>
> </screen>

Another element missing from this, which it would be nice to adopt a
standard for for consistency's sake, is the input prompt. The current
GLS standard (as of last week) is:

<prompt>[student at stationX ~]$</prompt> 

unless a different user, host or cwd is specifically warranted. The
stationX has to do with the way systems are named in our classrooms
(station1, station2, etc), so it might not make a good FDP or Red
Hat-wide convention, but a standard of some sort would be good

Just a thought,
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