Dir structure rough text version call for feedback.

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Fri Dec 8 08:40:00 UTC 2006

Dan Smith wrote:
> I know I'm supposed to submit to the wiki but I am having a great deal 
> of trouble with it not recognizing my key. Still not sure why. I've 
> exported it. Then created a new one. Anyway I've had this sitting around 
> for a couple weeks now ready and would like to get feedback on it and 
> hopefully get it submitted to the Wiki by somebody with edit writes 
> while I work on getting my account straitened out.  Once I get reamed on 
> a couple of these for mistakes in style I'll have a very good idea of 
> what is and isn't wanted in documentation and can hopefully just submit 
> in a normal fashion by then.

Instead of restating large portions of what basically amounts to a 
description of the FHS, it would be much more useful to refer to FHS and 
then state the exceptions and more Fedora specific directories and files 
and describe them in more detail.

We insist on following FHS as part of our packaging guidelines at 
. The exception with is libexecdir has also been submitted for inclusion 
in the next revision of FHS. So directories like /selinux and files like 
/etc/fedora-release etc should be documented better and the rest should 
left to FHS as the canonical description of the Fedora directory and 
filesystem structure.


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