fedora-doc-common RPM specfile

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 20:50:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 20:17 -0500, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> I believe some changes are in order for the fedora-doc-common package.
> Rather than having this package "roll" forever with a "cvsYYYYMMDD"
> designator, I think it will be preferable, both for us and Fedora
> Extras, to simply version/release tag the specfile, per normal, and "cvs
> tag" the docs-common module with that version/release combo.  If you
> want to see the current state of the file, look at this URL:
> http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewcvs/docs-common/packaging/fedora-doc-common.spec?viewcvs=docs&view=markup

That gen'd a 400 error for me.

Regardless, what you propose to me sounds sane and the Right Thing To

- Karsten

> Currently the %version and %release are provided by the Makefile:
> http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewcvs/docs-common/Makefile?viewcvs=docs&view=markup
> ...but this seems less than optimal, as well as possibly counter to some
> normal Fedora Extras policies and practices.  In the interest of getting
> this package entered (since all other fedora-doc-* packages will depend
> thereupon), I want the spec to look as "clean" as possible to a FE
> reviewer.  By using a real version/release, appending the changelog per
> normal, committing any changes and retagging the docs-common module
> appropriately, we should have all the recall we need for QA purposes.  
> Note that using an "rpm-info.xml" file in this case is probably not
> workable since the fedora-doc-common module doesn't build the same way
> as any of the documentation.  Also note that changes to this package
> will probably only be made by a few individuals, making the "exception"
> of negligible impact on the overall FDP.
> I've invited Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams, one of FE's staff of reviewers, to
> look at (and comment on) the specfile, simply because he has been kind
> enough to review some of my packages for FE.  (It's like a lottery, only
> the prize is more beatings.)
> Any or all comments are welcome and appreciated.
> -- 
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Karsten Wade, RHCE * Sr. Tech Writer * http://people.redhat.com/kwade/
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