Minutes of FDSCo Meeting 21 February 2006

Stuart Ellis stuart at elsn.org
Wed Feb 22 01:02:00 UTC 2006

Attending Members:

Karsten Wade (quaid)
Tommy Reynolds (megacoder)
Gavin Henry (ghenry)
Stuart Ellis (elliss)

Also Participating:

Bob Jensen (StillBob)

Schedule of Tasks:



* Karsten: Translation is not yet completely integrated with the main
build process - PO files may need to be created with the existing
translation tools. Aman Alam will be testing the translation process.

* Tommy: The DOCTYPE declaration in the current files provides English
language entities. The method of substituting entities will need to be
modified to enable entities to be applied correctly for other languages.

Full IRC Log:



Stuart Ellis

stuart at elsn.org

Fedora Documentation Project: http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/docs/

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