Wiki Docs/Beats opened for changes for Web-only release notes

Karsten Wade kwade at
Wed Jul 12 19:53:52 UTC 2006

You may continue to edit the Wiki at:

Next Monday we are going to take another snapshot to output to XML[1]
and make available as a Web-only release notes to coincide with the
test2 release.

This test release notes is the last one that you can afford to leave
your project's content empty.  If you do not have content in place for
test3, your content does not gain the community vetting before FC6
release.  So, please come follow the open content methodology.

- Karsten

[1] We used a Wiki running the new code from the Summer of Code project
that has already greatly improved the XML output capabilities of Moin
Moin.  When this SoC project is completed, it is going to be very, very
easy to use the Wiki as a drafting and authoring tool, then output to
XML/XHTML for DocBook and the Plone CMS.

Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor    ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
 Sr. Developer Relations Mgr.     |           |          gpg key: AD0E0C41
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