Spanish Installation Guide

Manuel Ospina mospina at
Thu May 11 23:40:51 UTC 2006

El jue, 11-05-2006 a las 09:31 -0400, "Guillermo Gómez S." escribió:
> Hi
> I think i have my email (ssh/pgp) ok now. My account seems also to be
> working. What's the next step ? I want to translate Installation Guide
> and Mirror Guide.
You can find the instructions at:

In short, these are the steps:

1. Download the packages from the repository:

export	CVSROOT=:ext:username at
cvs co docs

2. Change the OTHERS macro in the Makefile to include es: 

        OTHERS = it pt_BR es
3. Make a new PO file for es: 

        make po/es.po

4. Translate es.po using kbabek or gtranslator.

5. Once your translation is done commit the po file:

	cvs commit -m 'Any message' po/es.po

6. When the translation is ready commit the Makefile:
        cvs ci -m 'Locale "es" translation finished' Makefile
That's it.

> Regards
> Guillermo

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