yum-software-management/pt_BR doc-entities.ent, NONE, 1.1 doc-entities.xml, NONE, 1.1 fdp-entities.ent, NONE, 1.1 fdp-info.xml, NONE, 1.1 yum-software-management.xml, NONE, 1.1

Rodrigo Menezes rodrigomenezes12 at yahoo.com.br
Thu May 18 12:51:11 UTC 2006

Hi Paul,

This is my first translation for Fedora-Docs, so some "shits" can happens. Sorry :) .

Hugo Cisneiros is helping me with this, thanks for the explanation.

Can you exclude the pt-BR folder for me? I'll check the translation one more time this week and Hugo will do the last revision in the document this weekend. Next week (I hope) the manual will be up in the site.


Rodrigo Menezes

"Paul W. Frields" <stickster at gmail.com> escreveu: On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 12:56 -0700, Rodrigo de Oliveira Menezes wrote:
> Author: rmenezes
> Update of /cvs/docs/yum-software-management/pt_BR
> In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv7757/pt_BR
> Added Files:
>  doc-entities.ent doc-entities.xml fdp-entities.ent 
>  fdp-info.xml yum-software-management.xml 
> Log Message:
> All translation completed

Hi Rodrigo,

The ${DOCBASE}.xml, entity files and fdp-info.xml are GENERATED files.
These should not be added to the repository!  

Translations are to be added as po/${LANG}.po files only -- which
generates the XML document.  The *.ent files are generated at build
time, from the local document entities (like doc-entities.xml), or
linked from other places (in the case of fdp-entities.ent).  The
fdp-info.xml file is generated from the main rpm-info.xml file.

Make sure your po/pt_BR.po file is correct, then remove the pt_BR/
folder and its contents from the repository please.  No judgments here
-- we realize the Documentation Guide is far out of date.  Please feel
free to ask questions before you commit.

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                          http://paul.frields.org/
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