cvs / starting editing + help

Adam Moreland journo_bouy at
Thu May 25 10:13:18 UTC 2006

Hey all,

> > >When you get to the point of asking for 'cvsdocs' group access through
> > >, make sure to alert me directly ... I'm not
> > >getting my account request email.  There are a few others who have
> > >permissions to give cvsdocs access,as well.

Have just applied, and so am alerting all whom have permissions!!

>The next step is to request membership in the 'cvsdocs' group in the 
>System.  This is done from the "Edit your account" page.
>Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
>nman64 at
Thanks Patrick, all done there. I just need it to be authorised...

Mr Adam L Moreland (MAniX) | Registered Linux User: #417406
BA (Hons) Media Studies, 2nd Year, UoN
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