cvs - error / help + more

Patrick W. Barnes nman64 at
Wed May 31 22:52:59 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 31 May 2006 15:26, "Adam Moreland" <journo_bouy at> 
> ok here is what i have got. I know i am close, just not close enough!!
> [adam_laura at localhost ~]$ export
> CVSROOT=:ext:manix at


> [adam_laura at localhost ~]$ cvs -z3 login
> cvs login: can only use `login' command with the 'pserver' method
> cvs [login aborted]: CVSROOT: :ext:manix at
> [adam_laura at localhost ~]$ cvs login
> cvs login: can only use `login' command with the 'pserver' method
> cvs [login aborted]: CVSROOT: :ext:manix at

As the error indicates, there's no need to run the 'cvs login' command.

> [adam_laura at localhost ~]$ cvs co docs-common
> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
> established.
> RSA key fingerprint is dd:0d:f1:d6:e2:f6:39:cf:ca:6b:03:28:8d:84:3a:d5.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to
> the list of known hosts.
> For more information on using the Fedora source code repositories,
> please visit
> Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if
> any)
> the above problem i see as being because it hasnt authenticated me. It
> looks like it is denying me over my ssh key or possibly gpg key. Perhaps i
> am not sending it. the above is my output so if i am just not specifying
> stuff i apologise.

There's no GPG-checking for CVS usage.  This error is most likely a SSH key 
mismatch.  Make sure that ~/.ssh/ matches what you've uploaded to 
the Account System.  If you didn't move your old key after switching from 
root to your regular user account, then you might not even have an SSH key 
under that user account, depending upon where your key was originally 
created.  If you're not sure, there would be no harm in uploading the key to 
the Account System again.  Once the key is uploaded, it may take up to an 
hour for the key to propagate to the CVS server.

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
nman64 at


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